Linux Will Be For Enterprise ONLY
(too old to reply)
Nux Vomica
2023-09-23 14:38:24 UTC
The writing is on the wall.

The latest trends in Linux are truly alarming. Linux is destined
to be an OS for the enterprise (i.e. corporate business) only:



At the forefront of this is, per usual, IBM's and now Microsoft's
lackey Lennart Poettering.

The milksoppish distro maintainers will quickly follow like limping
dogs on a leash.

Independent workstation users should be very concerned.

Independent workstation users should start to consider FreeBSB or
else push for and contribute to a working GNU HURD.

One comment says it all:

"I'm truly shocked to see Microsoft taking center stage

At a systemd conference

With Lennart

Shocked I tell you."

But where is Torvalds?

These lackeys probably realize that Linus Torvalds is the only obstacle
remaining to their complete appropriation of Linux and would like to have
him totally removed from Linux development.

With Torvalds gone, everyone will be lining up to smooch Poetterings's
fat butt.
Marco Moock
2023-09-23 15:56:45 UTC
Post by Nux Vomica
The writing is on the wall.
The latest trends in Linux are truly alarming. Linux is destined
At the forefront of this is, per usual, IBM's and now Microsoft's
lackey Lennart Poettering.
The milksoppish distro maintainers will quickly follow like limping
dogs on a leash.
Independent workstation users should be very concerned.
Independent workstation users should start to consider FreeBSB or
else push for and contribute to a working GNU HURD.
What about Slackware?
They refused almost all of Poetterings stuff.
Post by Nux Vomica
But where is Torvalds?
These lackeys probably realize that Linus Torvalds is the only
obstacle remaining to their complete appropriation of Linux and would
like to have him totally removed from Linux development.
Remember that people hate him because he is not politically correct.
Post by Nux Vomica
With Torvalds gone, everyone will be lining up to smooch Poetterings's
fat butt.
I hope this will never happen.
Nux Vomica
2023-09-23 17:40:41 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
What about Slackware?
They refused almost all of Poetterings stuff.
There are still several alternatives but in the future
it will become more and more difficult for any distro
to reject the "modernization."

For example, until quite recently I was using static device
nodes because they are the simplest and most efficient way
to set up devices. But then freedesktop.org (which is part
of the IBM/Poettering crowd) suddenly introduced "libinput"
as the one-and-only way to interface with input devices
under X/Wayland. Libinput REQUIRES udev. No exceptions.

What should have happened was that libinput be offered
as merely an alternative to the "legacy" input drivers.
But no, the legacy drivers were utterly abandoned and
now libinput is the ONLY way to access keyboards, pointing
devices, etc.

This is how systemd will slowly become entrenched and destroy
all alternatives.

But now we can cue all the RedHat/IBM/Microsoft/Poettering
apologists to testify about the wonderful and innovative

In practice, libinput is garbage. With every update mouse
scrolling stops under GTK+3. I need to modify the
"Send Events Mode Enabled" property and this property
keeps jumping around in number:

xinput --list-props 7

libinput Send Events Mode Enabled (269): 0, 0

It's all weird, useless crap. The legacy drivers never
caused any issues whatsoever.

Most Linux users, however, have their heads totally up their
asses and won't be able to perceive the infestation.
Bozo User
2024-04-05 21:44:21 UTC
Post by Nux Vomica
Post by Marco Moock
What about Slackware?
They refused almost all of Poetterings stuff.
There are still several alternatives but in the future
it will become more and more difficult for any distro
to reject the "modernization."
For example, until quite recently I was using static device
nodes because they are the simplest and most efficient way
to set up devices. But then freedesktop.org (which is part
of the IBM/Poettering crowd) suddenly introduced "libinput"
as the one-and-only way to interface with input devices
under X/Wayland. Libinput REQUIRES udev. No exceptions.
What should have happened was that libinput be offered
as merely an alternative to the "legacy" input drivers.
But no, the legacy drivers were utterly abandoned and
now libinput is the ONLY way to access keyboards, pointing
devices, etc.
This is how systemd will slowly become entrenched and destroy
all alternatives.
But now we can cue all the RedHat/IBM/Microsoft/Poettering
apologists to testify about the wonderful and innovative
In practice, libinput is garbage. With every update mouse
scrolling stops under GTK+3. I need to modify the
"Send Events Mode Enabled" property and this property
xinput --list-props 7
libinput Send Events Mode Enabled (269): 0, 0
It's all weird, useless crap. The legacy drivers never
caused any issues whatsoever.
Most Linux users, however, have their heads totally up their
asses and won't be able to perceive the infestation.
Check Hyperbola GNU/Linux, soon it will be rebased into BSD but with
FSF compatible licenses.

2023-09-23 19:08:51 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
But where is Torvalds?
These lackeys probably realize that Linus Torvalds is the only obstacle
remaining to their complete appropriation of Linux and would like to
have him totally removed from Linux development.
Remember that people hate him because he is not politically correct.
Could you please clarify what you mean by this? I can't seem to find
anything about what you could be referring to.
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to Hawk│/
Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
Peanut free!
Marco Moock
2023-09-23 19:55:52 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
But where is Torvalds?
These lackeys probably realize that Linus Torvalds is the only
obstacle remaining to their complete appropriation of Linux and
would like to have him totally removed from Linux development.
Remember that people hate him because he is not politically correct.
Could you please clarify what you mean by this? I can't seem to find
anything about what you could be referring to.

That is something many people hate him, but I think sometimes certain
things must be told in that way, it is sometimes good to do that to
have clean-up.
2023-09-23 21:35:46 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
But where is Torvalds?
These lackeys probably realize that Linus Torvalds is the only
obstacle remaining to their complete appropriation of Linux and
would like to have him totally removed from Linux development.
Remember that people hate him because he is not politically correct.
Could you please clarify what you mean by this? I can't seem to find
anything about what you could be referring to.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Marco Moock
That is something many people hate him, but I think sometimes certain
things must be told in that way, it is sometimes good to do that to have
Those are all about a decade old—have you any evidence they're still
applicable to the modern day? (Though i completely agree with the
offflipping of Nvidia, because it's a company, not a person with feelings
that can be hurt.)
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to Hawk│/
Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
The only planet where 100% of Linux systems have working sound is Mars.
Marco Moock
2023-09-25 06:52:10 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Those are all about a decade old—have you any evidence they're still
applicable to the modern day? (Though i completely agree with the
offflipping of Nvidia, because it's a company, not a person with
feelings that can be hurt.)
I think that is is normal that people sometimes have a meltdown.
I don't think that insulting people is a good idea, but I think that
sometimes it is necessary to use rude language when things go wrong or
when ideas are really, really bad.

That might hurt feelings, but that is freedom of speech.
2023-09-25 14:28:30 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
I don't think that insulting people is a good idea, but I think that
sometimes it is necessary to use rude language when things go wrong or
when ideas are really, really bad.
I only agree with that if the rude language is being used to insult the
ideas, not the people who came up with them.
Post by Marco Moock
That might hurt feelings, but that is freedom of speech.
Ideas are not people. They have no feelings to be hurt.
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to Hawk│/
Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
Marco Moock
2023-09-25 14:37:50 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Ideas are not people. They have no feelings to be hurt.
But they come from people and some people already feel being hurt when
ideas from them are being criticized.
Nux Vomica
2023-09-25 21:00:02 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Ideas are not people. They have no feelings to be hurt.
But they come from people and some people already feel being hurt when
ideas from them are being criticized.
I don't believe this ridiculous banter.

Torvalds is from Europe and Europeans have a tradition of rigid
discipline which includes being verbally assaulted (or worse) if
one fails in his assigned task.

Americans shared that attitude until recently when the snowflakes
(i.e. pussies) gained prominence.

Human beings are NOT rational creatures. They cannot easily be
persuaded by reason or logical argument. To get their cooperation
a stiff kick in the ass is often required and that is Torvalds's

My advice to all the squeamish snowflakes: join the army/marines.
Your ass will be kicked many times a day and you will be the better
for it.
2023-09-25 22:04:32 UTC
Post by Nux Vomica
Torvalds is from Europe and Europeans have a tradition of rigid
discipline which includes being verbally assaulted (or worse) if one
fails in his assigned task.
It is a known fact that punitive criminal justice systems fail in their
Post by Nux Vomica
Human beings are NOT rational creatures. They cannot easily be
persuaded by reason or logical argument. To get their cooperation a
stiff kick in the ass is often required and that is Torvalds's
Your claims are quite pessimistic, and i can say that they do not
correlate with my own experiences.
Post by Nux Vomica
My advice to all the squeamish snowflakes: join the army/marines. Your
ass will be kicked many times a day and you will be the better for it.
I think few people are willing to intentionally choose to kill for money.
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to Hawk│/
Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
Help, i accidentally built a shelf!
Nux Vomica
2023-09-26 19:46:10 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Post by Nux Vomica
Human beings are NOT rational creatures. They cannot easily be
persuaded by reason or logical argument.
Your claims are quite pessimistic
Pessimistic? They are actually REALISTIC.

Advertising executives, loan officers, and political campaign
managers (among many others) would wholeheartedly agree with
my claims.

Witness the "strategy" of Donald Trump, who would be politically
dead meat if not for the innate irrationality of human beings.

Witness the Internet at large, which instead of giving sapient
creatures everywhere a global voice, has resulted in an almost
universal cacophony of conspiracy theories, psycho rants, and
endless ignorant superstitions and prevarications.
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
and i can say that they do not correlate with my own experiences.
Your "experiences" are obviously that of someone who has lived
under a rock since birth.
2023-09-26 21:07:22 UTC
You speak of irrationality as if it's a fundamental part of the human
genome. But this isn't true, for rationality, though be it a learnëd
skill, is something that all people can be taught. Unfortunately, the
modern education system does a well shite job of it, which makes sense:
its goal is not to educate, but to forcibly mold students into
submissiveness to the status quo.
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to Hawk│/
Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
Nobody is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them.
2023-09-27 05:34:24 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
You speak of irrationality as if it's a fundamental part of the human
genome. But this isn't true, for rationality, though be it a learnëd
skill, is something that all people can be taught. Unfortunately, the
its goal is not to educate, but to forcibly mold students into
submissiveness to the status quo.
Nothing wrong with 'Status Quo'!! ;-P
2023-09-27 21:59:08 UTC
Post by Daniel65
Nothing wrong with 'Status Quo'!! ;-P
Well, that's obviously factually incorrect.
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to
│he/him/his/himself/Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
"Can you tell me where i can find me?" "I don't know, and i don't know
anyone that could tell you."
2023-09-28 11:05:49 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Post by Daniel65
Nothing wrong with 'Status Quo'!! ;-P
Well, that's obviously factually incorrect.
You did note the Smilie at the end of my post, didn't you, Blue-Maned??
Or do you prefer a different band from that Era?? ;-P
2023-09-25 21:59:09 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Ideas are not people. They have no feelings to be hurt.
But they come from people and some people already feel being hurt when
ideas from them are being criticized.
I don't understand the reasoning behind that. A person is not their
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to Hawk│/
Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
Signed in triplicate!
Kenny McCormack
2023-09-25 22:36:59 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Ideas are not people. They have no feelings to be hurt.
But they come from people and some people already feel being hurt when
ideas from them are being criticized.
I don't understand the reasoning behind that. A person is not their
I know of at least one (fairly well known) computer product support
forum/board, where it is explicit policy not to criticize software products
that some people like, lest those people's feelings be hurt.

I would assume it works the same for their ideas and cherished beliefs.
"This ain't my first time at the rodeo"

is a line from the movie, Mommie Dearest, said by Joan Crawford at a board meeting.
Marco Moock
2023-09-26 07:43:46 UTC
Post by Kenny McCormack
I know of at least one (fairly well known) computer product support
forum/board, where it is explicit policy not to criticize software
products that some people like, lest those people's feelings be hurt.
Which forum is that?
Marco Moock
2023-09-26 07:43:21 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Ideas are not people. They have no feelings to be hurt.
But they come from people and some people already feel being hurt
when ideas from them are being criticized.
I don't understand the reasoning behind that. A person is not their
Because some people really enjoy being in the victim's role.

The German language has a generic masculinum.

Some people feel uncomfortable with that and request that every time
the male and female word for a group of people has to be used.
2023-09-26 21:09:36 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Ideas are not people. They have no feelings to be hurt.
But they come from people and some people already feel being hurt
when ideas from them are being criticized.
I don't understand the reasoning behind that. A person is not their
Because some people really enjoy being in the victim's role.
That doesn't really clarify things for me.
Post by Marco Moock
The German language has a generic masculinum.
Some people feel uncomfortable with that and request that every time the
male and female word for a group of people has to be used.
I don't see how that's related.
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to Hawk│/
Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
I would prefer to keep my bones in my body.
bad sector
2023-09-27 03:39:41 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
But where is Torvalds?
These lackeys probably realize that Linus Torvalds is the only
obstacle remaining to their complete appropriation of Linux and
would like to have him totally removed from Linux development.
Remember that people hate him because he is not politically correct.
Could you please clarify what you mean by this? I can't seem to find
anything about what you could be referring to.
That is something many people hate him, but I think sometimes certain
things must be told in that way, it is sometimes good to do that to
have clean-up.
Trans pussies and butches forget that cursing is actually proof of deep
religious conviction; if they're so pucking stupid that they do not know
this much then what on earth are they doing in IT?

When people want to emphasize the importance of something then they
might raise their voice a little, it's called accenting,
communications-101. They might also emphasize 'importance' by spicing
the text with words form that vocabulary which is most important to
them. Anglosaxons are deep into what is anal and sexual as their cursing
syntax aptly proves, ass probably being their religion. Latinos are more
religious but they won't shy away from inciting entire pantheons to
every manner of sexual perversion including incest either. The list goes
on, but this entire charade isn't about language or professionalism,
it's about the zukerbarfs of computing wanting Torvalds device-nulled
and their exclusive monopoly consolidated.
Ain't but five things in life worth fighting for, namely
these four: sex, loot, and the freedom to pursue high ideals!
Nux Vomica
2023-09-27 22:07:22 UTC
Post by bad sector
When people want to emphasize the importance of something then they
might raise their voice a little, it's called accenting,
communications-101. They might also emphasize 'importance' by spicing
the text with words form that vocabulary which is most important to
them. Anglosaxons are deep into what is anal and sexual as their cursing
syntax aptly proves, ass probably being their religion. Latinos are more
religious but they won't shy away from inciting entire pantheons to
every manner of sexual perversion including incest either. The list goes
on, but this entire charade isn't about language or professionalism,
it's about the zukerbarfs of computing wanting Torvalds device-nulled
and their exclusive monopoly consolidated.
You, sir, are right on the money.

The regulars on this NG couldn't even begin to comprehend.

But although this NG seems untainted, it will soon be washed
over by the rampant weirdos that flood Usenet.

Chaperoned web forums are all that remain for "free" speech.
bad sector
2023-09-29 10:45:46 UTC
Post by Nux Vomica
Post by bad sector
When people want to emphasize the importance of something then they
might raise their voice a little, it's called accenting,
communications-101. They might also emphasize 'importance' by spicing
the text with words form that vocabulary which is most important to
them. Anglosaxons are deep into what is anal and sexual as their cursing
syntax aptly proves, ass probably being their religion. Latinos are more
religious but they won't shy away from inciting entire pantheons to
every manner of sexual perversion including incest either. The list goes
on, but this entire charade isn't about language or professionalism,
it's about the zukerbarfs of computing wanting Torvalds device-nulled
and their exclusive monopoly consolidated.
You, sir, are right on the money.
The regulars on this NG couldn't even begin to comprehend.
But although this NG seems untainted, it will soon be washed
over by the rampant weirdos that flood Usenet.
Chaperoned web forums are all that remain for "free" speech.
Not sure about web-forums, if the 'owner' dislikes your message s/he
just censures it, nor is anonymity possible. Usenet I think IS the last
front, which is exactly why the googlegoons have been trying to bury it
in their web-based and censured groupie-morass (their and THE original
edition of eEe which Billy just plagiarized) 🙂

The spammers and jerkheads thrive on little used NG's with just a few
regulars so the asnwer is to increease traffic, but "I'm" not
optimistic. None of the above changes the 5-column missions infiltrating
the Linux ether, to make things worse I have the impression that Linux
Mohicans (as a %) are dropping instead of rising.
Anonymity is the sole reliable witness of real society, be the image
good or bad, and of free speech, two things without which the truth
cannot be known but the intent of those opposing them can.
Dan Purgert
2023-09-29 11:05:12 UTC
[...] the googlegoons have been trying to bury it > in their
web-based and censured groupie-morass (their and THE original >
edition of eEe which Billy just plagiarized) 🙂
Microsoft was doing EEE long before Google was a thing ...
|_|_|O| Github: https://github.com/dpurgert
|O|O|O| PGP: DDAB 23FB 19FA 7D85 1CC1 E067 6D65 70E5 4CE7 2860
bad sector
2023-09-29 11:20:50 UTC
Post by Dan Purgert
[...] the googlegoons have been trying to bury it > in their
web-based and censured groupie-morass (their and THE original >
edition of eEe which Billy just plagiarized) 🙂
Microsoft was doing EEE long before Google was a thing ...
no contest but Billy hadn't coined the infamous phrase yet
Dan Purgert
2023-09-29 11:49:12 UTC
Post by bad sector
Post by Dan Purgert
[...] the googlegoons have been trying to bury it > in their
web-based and censured groupie-morass (their and THE original >
edition of eEe which Billy just plagiarized) 🙂
Microsoft was doing EEE long before Google was a thing ...
no contest but Billy hadn't coined the infamous phrase yet
It was certainly part of the '95 antitrust case; though I don't know if
it was coined then, or found in MS documents. At the very least, it's
still 3 years pre-google ;)
|_|_|O| Github: https://github.com/dpurgert
|O|O|O| PGP: DDAB 23FB 19FA 7D85 1CC1 E067 6D65 70E5 4CE7 2860
bad sector
2023-09-29 20:49:43 UTC
Post by Dan Purgert
Post by bad sector
Post by Dan Purgert
[...] the googlegoons have been trying to bury it > in their
web-based and censured groupie-morass (their and THE original >
edition of eEe which Billy just plagiarized) 🙂
Microsoft was doing EEE long before Google was a thing ...
no contest but Billy hadn't coined the infamous phrase yet
It was certainly part of the '95 antitrust case; though I don't know if
it was coined then, or found in MS documents. At the very least, it's
still 3 years pre-google ;)
Gracias Por La Música, I stand corrected, wiki mentions 1996. I could
have sworn it was much more recent and solely about Linux. Not surprised
though that it was already dogma in microcancer teravirus meetings.
Fridays are Tumbleweed days: openSUSE Tumbleweed, DM=sddm, GPT,
Kernel=6.4.12-1-default on x86_64,DE=KDE,ST=x11,grub2,BIOS-boot
Loading Image... Loading Image...
Egypt Rules You
2023-09-29 13:13:20 UTC
On Fri, 29 Sep 2023 06:45:46 -0400
bad sector <***@_INVALID.net> wrote:

Post by bad sector
Not sure about web-forums, if the 'owner' dislikes your message s/he
just censures it, nor is anonymity possible. Usenet I think IS the
last front, which is exactly why the googlegoons have been trying to
bury it in their web-based and censured groupie-morass (their and THE
original edition of eEe which Billy just plagiarized)
Usenet is dependent upon email and dns so Usenet is fragile. Usenet is
not the last front of free speech because almost nobody on Usenet has
anything of value to say, ever. It's almost entirely woo, establishment
and academic propaganda, and nerd mockingbird bullshit. Nobody has
anything to say worth saying, because they're all mind slaves that
can't think or say anything creative, useful, or important.

So I will say what needs to be said:

* COVID is a psyop and a hoax
* Viruses do not now, and never have existed
* Virology is a pseudoscience scam
* No one has ever seen or isolated a 'virus'
* Virus is Latin for poison
* The vaccine is the virus, and they even admit it
* Vaccines don't protect you, they poison you
* Vaccines lower IQ
* Vaccines cause autism
* Vaccination was practiced by witches in ancient Egypt
* Fluoridated water lowers IQ and aggression
* Dinosaurs are another hoax
* Every 'dinosaur' skeleton is Piltdown man 2.xx
* The Heliocentric model is another elite psyop
* Stars are not light years distant
* All stars are nearly the exact same size through telescopes
* All the stars are roughly the same distance from earth
* Light years is a hoax, as no object could be visible at such distance
* Photons are a hoax, and had to be conjured to promote the space psyop
* Light is a propagation wave, not a photon beam
* You can't have a wave without a magnetic field
* Thus all visible celestial objects are inside Earth's magnetic field
* God created the earth, and faggots hate this and crave power over men
* All power-hungry people are sexual deviants without exception
* All sexual deviants are power-hungry tyrants without exception
* Joe Biden is not the lawfully elected President of the United States
* But who gives a shit, since the United States is a scam fake democracy
* The elections have always been rigged, not just the last one
* All U.S. Presidents are descended from Charlemagne
* Charlemagne was an Egyptian, not a German
* The entire nobility of Europe is Egyptian, not European
* This is why nobility practiced incest, to protect their Egyptian blood
* The oval office is from Egyptian royal symbolism
* The Washington Monument is from royal Egyptian symbolism
* The national mall and reflecting pool is royal Egyptian witchcraft
* You are slaves living on a scientifically designed plantation
* You are not free and you don't have a clue what freedom really means
* Your masters hide behind "democracy" sock puppets
* Blaming globalism on the Jews is an Egyptian scapegoat scam
* All the iconography of the Church and European state are Egyptian
* The red and white stripes of the U.S. Flag are the colors of Pharaoh
* The star spangled banner was an ancient Egyptian symbol of Pharaoh
* Babylon, Persia, Egypt, Rome and Grecia were ruled by the same race
* The elite nobility of Europe are descended from the Egyptian race
* The blue-blood oligarchs of Washington, D.C are descended from Egypt
* You are ruled by a brood of vipers who use psyops to hold power
* They have mockingbirds who accuse dissenters of insanity
* Since you are bitch cowards you go along with it to avoid the label

Your rulers are not going to admit what they are. They lie for a
living! They are the Egyptian race, the most dishonest and racist group
of people who ever lived. They hate you and view you as their cattle.
They worship their Egyptian gods and they hate everyone who does not
join them in their demon witch religion. They consider you all profane
infidels and useful idiots.

Open your eyes, people.

You are in bondage to Egypt. The Egyptian race has enslaved the Hebrews.
Post by bad sector
The spammers and jerkheads thrive on little used NG's with just a few
regulars so the asnwer is to increease traffic, but "I'm" not
optimistic. None of the above changes the 5-column missions
infiltrating the Linux ether, to make things worse I have the
impression that Linux Mohicans (as a %) are dropping instead of
Nerdfags also thrive on NG's to post their establishment-approved
delusional beliefs about science and religion.
Bozo User
2023-10-09 08:49:39 UTC
Post by Egypt Rules You
On Fri, 29 Sep 2023 06:45:46 -0400
Post by bad sector
Not sure about web-forums, if the 'owner' dislikes your message s/he
just censures it, nor is anonymity possible. Usenet I think IS the
last front, which is exactly why the googlegoons have been trying to
bury it in their web-based and censured groupie-morass (their and THE
original edition of eEe which Billy just plagiarized)
Usenet is dependent upon email and dns so Usenet is fragile. Usenet is
not the last front of free speech because almost nobody on Usenet has
anything of value to say, ever. It's almost entirely woo, establishment
and academic propaganda, and nerd mockingbird bullshit. Nobody has
anything to say worth saying, because they're all mind slaves that
can't think or say anything creative, useful, or important.
* COVID is a psyop and a hoax
* Viruses do not now, and never have existed
* Virology is a pseudoscience scam
* No one has ever seen or isolated a 'virus'
* Virus is Latin for poison
* The vaccine is the virus, and they even admit it
* Vaccines don't protect you, they poison you
* Vaccines lower IQ
* Vaccines cause autism
* Vaccination was practiced by witches in ancient Egypt
* Fluoridated water lowers IQ and aggression
* Dinosaurs are another hoax
* Every 'dinosaur' skeleton is Piltdown man 2.xx
* The Heliocentric model is another elite psyop
* Stars are not light years distant
* All stars are nearly the exact same size through telescopes
* All the stars are roughly the same distance from earth
* Light years is a hoax, as no object could be visible at such distance
* Photons are a hoax, and had to be conjured to promote the space psyop
* Light is a propagation wave, not a photon beam
* You can't have a wave without a magnetic field
* Thus all visible celestial objects are inside Earth's magnetic field
* God created the earth, and faggots hate this and crave power over men
* All power-hungry people are sexual deviants without exception
* All sexual deviants are power-hungry tyrants without exception
* Joe Biden is not the lawfully elected President of the United States
* But who gives a shit, since the United States is a scam fake democracy
* The elections have always been rigged, not just the last one
* All U.S. Presidents are descended from Charlemagne
* Charlemagne was an Egyptian, not a German
* The entire nobility of Europe is Egyptian, not European
* This is why nobility practiced incest, to protect their Egyptian blood
* The oval office is from Egyptian royal symbolism
* The Washington Monument is from royal Egyptian symbolism
* The national mall and reflecting pool is royal Egyptian witchcraft
* You are slaves living on a scientifically designed plantation
* You are not free and you don't have a clue what freedom really means
* Your masters hide behind "democracy" sock puppets
* Blaming globalism on the Jews is an Egyptian scapegoat scam
* All the iconography of the Church and European state are Egyptian
* The red and white stripes of the U.S. Flag are the colors of Pharaoh
* The star spangled banner was an ancient Egyptian symbol of Pharaoh
* Babylon, Persia, Egypt, Rome and Grecia were ruled by the same race
* The elite nobility of Europe are descended from the Egyptian race
* The blue-blood oligarchs of Washington, D.C are descended from Egypt
* You are ruled by a brood of vipers who use psyops to hold power
* They have mockingbirds who accuse dissenters of insanity
* Since you are bitch cowards you go along with it to avoid the label
Your rulers are not going to admit what they are. They lie for a
living! They are the Egyptian race, the most dishonest and racist group
of people who ever lived. They hate you and view you as their cattle.
They worship their Egyptian gods and they hate everyone who does not
join them in their demon witch religion. They consider you all profane
infidels and useful idiots.
Open your eyes, people.
You are in bondage to Egypt. The Egyptian race has enslaved the Hebrews.
Post by bad sector
The spammers and jerkheads thrive on little used NG's with just a few
regulars so the asnwer is to increease traffic, but "I'm" not
optimistic. None of the above changes the 5-column missions
infiltrating the Linux ether, to make things worse I have the
impression that Linux Mohicans (as a %) are dropping instead of
Nerdfags also thrive on NG's to post their establishment-approved
delusional beliefs about science and religion.
Light is a propagation wave, not a photon beam


Get the basics, please, and throw your religious pseudo-babble
to the trash.
Nux Vomica
2023-09-23 20:02:37 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Could you please clarify what you mean by this? I can't seem to find
anything about what you could be referring to.
He is apparently referring to Torvalds's unabashed rants on the kernel
mailing list against the incompetence that he encounters in developers.

Torvalds does not mince words, which is good.

But the petty snowflakes are always shocked. In fact, there was
a time when Torvalds was literally forced to take a leave of absence
from his position to undergo a period of "sensitivity" training.

What nonsense!

It does, however, portend the fate of Linux in the long run.

Corporate/foundation money will eventually call the shots.

Torvalds could not have been forced to do anything if he was/is
not being paid a salary by the Linux Foundation.

The Linux foundation includes Microsoft, Google, and a lot
of other corp. contributors. With that kind of backing the
principles of FOSS are doomed.
J.O. Aho
2023-09-23 21:30:31 UTC
Post by Nux Vomica
The Linux foundation includes Microsoft, Google, and a lot
of other corp. contributors. With that kind of backing the
principles of FOSS are doomed.
They did remove the 2 seats that non-corporate members had, so the
community lost the any kind of influence over the board of Linux
Foundation, so they been just driving the corporate ideas since 2016.
2023-09-23 21:55:46 UTC
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Nux Vomica
The Linux foundation includes Microsoft, Google, and a lot
of other corp. contributors. With that kind of backing the
principles of FOSS are doomed.
They did remove the 2 seats that non-corporate members had, so the
community lost the any kind of influence over the board of Linux
Foundation, so they been just driving the corporate ideas since 2016.
The corporate ideas of the LFS are not very important. The only good
thing they do is grant a salary to Linus. And Linux do what he want. The
most important impact on Linux the big companies have are more like
Intel which pays developers to be the biggest contributors to the kernel
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2023-09-23 21:37:16 UTC
Post by Nux Vomica
The Linux foundation includes Microsoft, Google, and a lot
of other corp. contributors. With that kind of backing the
principles of FOSS are doomed.
I'm certainly not a fan of the Linux Foundation. But there is one things
that's good about it and that prevent it of what you try to predict.
There is a maximal amount of money they can donate. So Microsoft will
never be able to become as it is for the WHO, the second bigger after
the US. So they can't threat to stop donate and menace it's viability.

If Microsoft stops to give money to the LFS, it will be a strong message,
but its impact on the finances of the LFS will be invisible. To have a
real impact, they would need to be able to agree with a lot of companies
at the same time. And before doing that, a lot of discussions would have
happen before.
Si vous avez du temps à perdre :
2023-09-23 21:39:06 UTC
Post by Nux Vomica
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
Could you please clarify what you mean by this? I can't seem to find
anything about what you could be referring to.
He is apparently referring to Torvalds's unabashed rants on the kernel
mailing list against the incompetence that he encounters in developers.
Torvalds does not mince words, which is good.
There is a pretty significant difference between being blunt and being a
dick. I am all for being transparent in communications. I am not for
being an asshole—that only makes communications worse.
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to Hawk│/
Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
Do not disturb—tiny grass is dreaming.
Marco Moock
2023-09-25 06:55:00 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
There is a pretty significant difference between being blunt and
being a dick. I am all for being transparent in communications. I
am not for being an asshole—that only makes communications worse.
I agree with that.

What I don't agree with is all the political correctness stuff, like
avoiding the word "blacklist" because a minority feels uncomfortable
with that.
2023-09-25 14:32:46 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
What I don't agree with is all the political correctness stuff, like
avoiding the word "blacklist" because a minority feels uncomfortable
with that.
I can quite confidently say that i've never heard anyone complain about
that name because of uncomfortability. I _do_ know that the Linux
kernel's coding style says not to use the phraseology, but as i understood
it that's because there's already too many things that use that
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to Hawk│/
Mr. bluemanedhawk.github.io
500 pounds of pasta was found dumped in the woods.
Marco Moock
2023-09-25 14:42:26 UTC
Post by Blue-Maned_Hawk
I can quite confidently say that i've never heard anyone complain
about that name because of uncomfortability.
I never met somebody who complained about that term too, but I know
that a few companies were against using these terms because some people
might feel uncomfortable.

I don't think that such decisions are good because the end of that is
that anybody can feel uncomfortable with anything and that cannot be
used if such regulations exist.
Branch Covidian Cult
2023-09-25 02:35:00 UTC
On Sat, 23 Sep 2023 17:56:45 +0200
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
The writing is on the wall.
Yeah, they chalked up the wall with smeared poop art. That GPL license
was shit from day one. GPL is the main driver of the corporate takeover
of Linux.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
The latest trends in Linux are truly alarming. Linux is destined
At the forefront of this is, per usual, IBM's and now Microsoft's
lackey Lennart Poettering.
The milksoppish distro maintainers will quickly follow like limping
dogs on a leash.
Torvalds already signaled his submission to the mask mafia on the
kernel mailing list. He promoted the RNA death jab and said anyone who
questions it is insane. He said the death jab has saved millions of
lives. There is no scientific evidence of that, with VERS and many
other sources showing countless people have been killed by the Branch
Covidian death shots. Torvalds has been gelded and is no longer a man.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
Independent workstation users should be very concerned.
Independent workstation users should start to consider FreeBSB or
else push for and contribute to a working GNU HURD.
To hell with GNU and their stalinist wank. There are plenty of
BSD-licensed operating systems to choose from to use as a base for a
new, GNU-free, FSF-free, GPL-free operating system. As long as they
have you brainwashed with their free software philosophy, the big tech
companies will keep embracing, extending, and extinguishing.

If Linux had shipped with a BSD license instead of the GPL virus then
systemd would never have taken hold.

There are many OSes to choose from ... Haiku, HelloSystem, FreeBSD,
Hjert, Ultibo, Minix, Inferno, Plan9, Oberon, MenuetOS, KolibriOS,
TempleOS, ToaruOS, PhantomOS, Redox, HelenOS, AROS, Ghost ...
Post by Marco Moock
What about Slackware?
They refused almost all of Poetterings stuff.
"Almost all" isn't good enough.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
But where is Torvalds?
On his knees knob-slobbing the vaccine bosses.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
These lackeys probably realize that Linus Torvalds is the only
obstacle remaining to their complete appropriation of Linux and
would like to have him totally removed from Linux development.
Torvalds guaranteed this outcome with his GPL license choice. FSF has
always been a Trojan horse.
Post by Marco Moock
Remember that people hate him because he is not politically correct.
He joined the Branch Covidian Mask Mafia. Torvalds has fully submitted
himself to the dark side.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
With Torvalds gone, everyone will be lining up to smooch
Poetterings's fat butt.
They shouldn't have been smooching Torvald's ass either. But here we
are. Nerdfags gotta lick someone's pooter to feel furry and happy.
Post by Marco Moock
I hope this will never happen.
It already has.

When you give slimeballs the time of day, this is what happens.

The GPL license is poison. The vax is poison. Torvalds is a sellout.
2023-10-04 05:48:55 UTC
Yeah, they chalked up the wall with smeared poop art. That GPL license
was shit from day one. GPL is the main driver of the corporate takeover
of Linux.
Please explain.
[antivaxx ranting elided]
I don't see how that's relevant.
To hell with GNU and their stalinist wank.
Stalinist? Please explain.
There are many OSes to choose from ... Haiku, HelloSystem, FreeBSD,
Hjert, Ultibo, Minix, Inferno, Plan9, Oberon, MenuetOS, KolibriOS,
TempleOS, ToaruOS, PhantomOS, Redox, HelenOS, AROS, Ghost ...
The BSDs are the only ones currently possible practical, and that's
arguable. Are you seriously suggesting serious usage of TempleOS?
Torvalds guaranteed this outcome with his GPL license choice. FSF has
always been a Trojan horse.
'Trojan horse' to me seems innacurate as a description of the FSF. Please
Post by Nux Vomica
With Torvalds gone, everyone will be lining up to smooch
Poetterings's fat butt.
They shouldn't have been smooching Torvald's ass either. But here we
are. Nerdfags gotta lick someone's pooter to feel furry and happy.
To feel…furry? What does that mean? Please explain.
Blue-Maned_Hawk│shortens to
East, west, and sea!
Bozo User
2023-10-09 08:49:39 UTC
Post by Branch Covidian Cult
On Sat, 23 Sep 2023 17:56:45 +0200
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
The writing is on the wall.
Yeah, they chalked up the wall with smeared poop art. That GPL license
was shit from day one. GPL is the main driver of the corporate takeover
of Linux.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
The latest trends in Linux are truly alarming. Linux is destined
At the forefront of this is, per usual, IBM's and now Microsoft's
lackey Lennart Poettering.
The milksoppish distro maintainers will quickly follow like limping
dogs on a leash.
Torvalds already signaled his submission to the mask mafia on the
kernel mailing list. He promoted the RNA death jab and said anyone who
questions it is insane. He said the death jab has saved millions of
lives. There is no scientific evidence of that, with VERS and many
other sources showing countless people have been killed by the Branch
Covidian death shots. Torvalds has been gelded and is no longer a man.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
Independent workstation users should be very concerned.
Independent workstation users should start to consider FreeBSB or
else push for and contribute to a working GNU HURD.
To hell with GNU and their stalinist wank. There are plenty of
BSD-licensed operating systems to choose from to use as a base for a
new, GNU-free, FSF-free, GPL-free operating system. As long as they
have you brainwashed with their free software philosophy, the big tech
companies will keep embracing, extending, and extinguishing.
If Linux had shipped with a BSD license instead of the GPL virus then
systemd would never have taken hold.
There are many OSes to choose from ... Haiku, HelloSystem, FreeBSD,
Hjert, Ultibo, Minix, Inferno, Plan9, Oberon, MenuetOS, KolibriOS,
TempleOS, ToaruOS, PhantomOS, Redox, HelenOS, AROS, Ghost ...
Post by Marco Moock
What about Slackware?
They refused almost all of Poetterings stuff.
"Almost all" isn't good enough.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
But where is Torvalds?
On his knees knob-slobbing the vaccine bosses.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
These lackeys probably realize that Linus Torvalds is the only
obstacle remaining to their complete appropriation of Linux and
would like to have him totally removed from Linux development.
Torvalds guaranteed this outcome with his GPL license choice. FSF has
always been a Trojan horse.
Post by Marco Moock
Remember that people hate him because he is not politically correct.
He joined the Branch Covidian Mask Mafia. Torvalds has fully submitted
himself to the dark side.
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Nux Vomica
With Torvalds gone, everyone will be lining up to smooch
Poetterings's fat butt.
They shouldn't have been smooching Torvald's ass either. But here we
are. Nerdfags gotta lick someone's pooter to feel furry and happy.
Post by Marco Moock
I hope this will never happen.
It already has.
When you give slimeballs the time of day, this is what happens.
The GPL license is poison. The vax is poison. Torvalds is a sellout.
Stalinist? Apple and the rest of the companies leeching BSD code
and spying toi their users are like a combo of the STASI, NVKD and Gestapo

If any RMS it's a guy from the Enlightenment era giving power to citizens
and not to neither the neocon moneybags, nor religious nuts or cult-like collectivist
Jörg Lorenz
2023-10-03 13:17:07 UTC
Post by Nux Vomica
The writing is on the wall.
The latest trends in Linux are truly alarming. Linux is destined
At the forefront of this is, per usual, IBM's and now Microsoft's
lackey Lennart Poettering.
The milksoppish distro maintainers will quickly follow like limping
dogs on a leash.
Independent workstation users should be very concerned.
Independent workstation users should start to consider FreeBSB or
else push for and contribute to a working GNU HURD.
"I'm truly shocked to see Microsoft taking center stage
At a systemd conference
With Lennart
Shocked I tell you."
But where is Torvalds?
These lackeys probably realize that Linus Torvalds is the only obstacle
remaining to their complete appropriation of Linux and would like to have
him totally removed from Linux development.
With Torvalds gone, everyone will be lining up to smooch Poetterings's
fat butt.
Manus manum lavat
Marco Moock
2023-10-03 15:16:37 UTC
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Please explain.
Jörg Lorenz
2023-10-03 15:27:27 UTC
Post by Marco Moock
Post by Jörg Lorenz
Please explain.
I comment postings without substance with a reply at an adequate level.
That was a childish reaction to anything Poettering says or does.

And the claim concerning Torvald is brain dead.

Case closed.
Manus manum lavat