Accessing Windoes Shares from Linux
(too old to reply)
Jeff Gaines
2024-04-06 14:56:27 UTC
As I had decided what I wanted on my new Linux box I thought I would do a
clean install (the original had some failed app installs) so I did, very
quick (with Ventoy).

I then discovered I couldn't browse my Windows shares :-(

I can get to the QNAP NAS and to the Internet but not to my main PC. I had
this first time round and I think I solved it by enabling SMB1 on the
Windows box but I tried so many things I can't be sure.

Samba is running on the Linux box and "smbclient -L host" does come up
with a list of shares but the Linux file manager can't find it.

I did it once but seem lost now, any hints/clues/advice please?
Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
There are 3 types of people in this world. Those who can count, and those
who can't.
Joerg Walther
2024-04-06 15:10:40 UTC
Post by Jeff Gaines
I can get to the QNAP NAS and to the Internet but not to my main PC. I had
this first time round and I think I solved it by enabling SMB1 on the
Windows box but I tried so many things I can't be sure.
Samba is running on the Linux box and "smbclient -L host" does come up
with a list of shares but the Linux file manager can't find it.
I did it once but seem lost now, any hints/clues/advice please?
Version mismatch. SMB1 is very old should no longer be used since it is
unsafe. Try to configure you windows box to SMB3.

And now for something completely different...
2024-04-06 16:29:02 UTC
As I had decided what I wanted on my new Linux box I thought I would do a clean install (the original had some failed app installs) so I did, very quick (with Ventoy).
I then discovered I couldn't browse my Windows shares :-(
I can get to the QNAP NAS and to the Internet but not to my main PC. I had this first time round and I think I solved it by enabling SMB1 on the Windows box but I tried so many things I can't be sure.
Samba is running on the Linux box and "smbclient -L host" does come up with a list of shares but the Linux file manager can't find it.
I did it once but seem lost now, any hints/clues/advice please?
Since you managed to contact the QNAP NAS, that suggests
Linux is currently configured to do both SMBV1 and the others.

In Windows

Start : Run : control # Run control.exe

"Programs and Features" control panel

Windows Features (side link)

There are three tick boxes for SMBV1, one being automatic
removal and should not be ticked. The other two boxes
should be ticked.

We should have Alan (Pinterest) write up a procedure for you.
He's been through this enough times, to help others.


***@ZORO:~$ ls /etc/samba/smb.conf

***@ZORO:~$ ps aguwwwx | grep smbd
root 6817 0.0 0.8 96888 24320 ? Ss 18:17 0:00 /usr/sbin/smbd --foreground --no-process-group

***@ZORO:~$ ps aguwwwx | grep nmbd

root 6807 0.0 0.5 80520 15360 ? Ss 18:17 0:00 /usr/sbin/nmbd --foreground --no-process-group

sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

workgroup = WORKGROUP # Now we add some settings. The setting already there, assumes WORKGROUP is the one.

server min protocol = NT1
server max protocol = smb3
client min protocol = NT1
client max protocol = smb3
client lanman auth = yes
ntlm auth = yes

Now, we add ourselves to some password thing,
using the same password as our account. Or so.

$ sudo smbpasswd -a bullwinkle

[sudo] password for bullwinkle:
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Added user bullwinkle.

Jeff Gaines
2024-04-07 09:39:35 UTC
Post by Jeff Gaines
I then discovered I couldn't browse my Windows shares :-(
OK, hands up PEBKAC!

I was trying smb:///etc - too many slashes.

In my defence when I clicked on Go To Location in the file manage I think
it put three slashes in but I wouldn't put money on it :-(

Have DVDs playing, now got to get the AACS library on to play Blu Rays...
Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
The only thing necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do or
say nothing. (Edmund Burke)
2024-04-07 09:52:18 UTC
Post by Jeff Gaines
Have DVDs playing, now got to get the AACS library on to play Blu Rays...
At HD 1920x1080 maybe, probably not at 4K native.
Although you don't need 4K to enjoy a movie.

To be honest with you, I don't really know of any
USENETter who has a working BluRay. People are not
going to tell me about their bootleg ISO9660 collections,
but at least there's a slight hint when someone has
a 40TB RAID array :-) No one seems to pipe up when
a BD problem comes up. Maybe it's "just so easy"
they don't bother ?

I got the impression from some threads on the web,
that BluRay is just a pain in the ass, rather than
entertainment. For example, on a set top player with Ethernet
connection, you can find an old selection that
used to play on your box, the key was revoked
and the disc you paid for, no longer plays.
That's the BluRay story.

Jeff Gaines
2024-04-07 11:19:45 UTC
Post by Paul
Post by Jeff Gaines
Have DVDs playing, now got to get the AACS library on to play Blu Rays...
At HD 1920x1080 maybe, probably not at 4K native.
Although you don't need 4K to enjoy a movie.
To be honest with you, I don't really know of any
USENETter who has a working BluRay. People are not
going to tell me about their bootleg ISO9660 collections,
but at least there's a slight hint when someone has
a 40TB RAID array :-) No one seems to pipe up when
a BD problem comes up. Maybe it's "just so easy"
they don't bother ?
I got the impression from some threads on the web,
that BluRay is just a pain in the ass, rather than
entertainment. For example, on a set top player with Ethernet
connection, you can find an old selection that
used to play on your box, the key was revoked
and the disc you paid for, no longer plays.
That's the BluRay story.
I am inclined to agree with you. I like tech so bought a couple of TV
series and films in Blu Ray but on my 32" TV I'm not sure I can see any
difference from a DVD. In fact they often appear as a letter-box image
unlike a DVD that usually manages to fill the screen.
Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists
or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies.
Joerg Walther
2024-04-07 12:07:34 UTC
Post by Jeff Gaines
I like tech so bought a couple of TV
series and films in Blu Ray but on my 32" TV I'm not sure I can see any
difference from a DVD. In fact they often appear as a letter-box image
unlike a DVD that usually manages to fill the screen.
Are these older series? If they weren't recorded on film but on magnetic
tape the resolution of these might be not as high as the BluRay is
capable of. You shouldn't see letter-boxes though, only pillar-boxes
(black on the left and right). Depending on your BluRay player it may be
possible to zoom/enlarge the picture.
For films letter-boxes on a TV screen is quite the usual when you
transfer a widescreen picture to 16:9.
And btw: I see a big difference between DVD and HD quality on my 65" TV.

And now for something completely different...
Jeff Gaines
2024-04-07 12:59:30 UTC
On 07/04/2024 in message
Post by Joerg Walther
And btw: I see a big difference between DVD and HD quality on my 65" TV.
You have a much bigger one than me :-)
Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
By the time you can make ends meet they move the ends
Joerg Walther
2024-04-07 13:49:46 UTC
Post by Jeff Gaines
Post by Joerg Walther
And btw: I see a big difference between DVD and HD quality on my 65" TV.
You have a much bigger one than me :-)
And it's OLED ;)

And now for something completely different...
J.O. Aho
2024-04-07 14:19:11 UTC
Post by Joerg Walther
Post by Jeff Gaines
Post by Joerg Walther
And btw: I see a big difference between DVD and HD quality on my 65" TV.
You have a much bigger one than me :-)
And it's OLED ;)
Mine is black :P
2024-04-08 12:17:30 UTC
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Joerg Walther
Post by Jeff Gaines
Post by Joerg Walther
And btw: I see a big difference between DVD and HD quality on my 65" TV.
You have a much bigger one than me :-)
And it's OLED ;)
Mine is black :P
Me and mine are retired.
Some people cannot think outside the box, forever complaining that they
cannot find it.
Jeff Gaines
2024-04-08 16:03:33 UTC
Post by bad💽sector
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by Joerg Walther
Post by Jeff Gaines
Post by Joerg Walther
And btw: I see a big difference between DVD and HD quality on my 65" TV.
You have a much bigger one than me :-)
And it's OLED ;)
Mine is black :P
Me and mine are retired.
Tell me about it :-(
Jeff Gaines Dorset UK
George Washington was a British subject until well after his 40th birthday.
(Margaret Thatcher, speech at the White House 17 December 1979)