Signature Key for a REPO (Linux MX)
(too old to reply)
2024-03-10 11:58:57 UTC
Sillily (LOL) I tried a Dist Upgrade (Linux MX dist upgrade
from Wildflower to Libretto) without following exactly the
procedure in the MX 23 Forum

here :

I resume the steps below

Upgrade Steps:

1) Upgrade your system to the latest packages with:

sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade

2) Install mx23-archive-keyring:

sudo apt install mx23-archive-keyring

3) Change sources to point to bookworm release (search
all .list files and replace “bullseye” with “bookworm”):

find /etc/apt -name "*.list" -exec sudo sed -i
's/bullseye/bookworm/g' {} +

4) Add non-free-firmware to debian sources (or by hand:
edit the debian.list and add “non-free-firmware” to each deb

grep -qF 'non-free-firmware'
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list || sudo sed -i
's/non-free/non-free non-free-firmware/g'

5) Upgrade packages (make sure nothing important is
removed at this step: examine the prompt before you press “y”):

sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade

Now, acting sillily basing on what I recalled, I performed
all stages FORGETTING 2) Install mx23-archive-keyring:

The upgrade resulted in PARTIAL success (and failure
overall). I dunno exactly what was upgraded and what not.

I then, late alas, to do step 2) afterwards, but then the
package mx23-archive-keyring was no longer available.
Maybe it belonged to the ORIGINAL MX21 Repo, that had been
overwritten by hand.
Am I right ?

Is it still a way (I tried using WGET, failing, as unable to
locate the correct package name, which apparently is neither
mx23-archive-keyring nor mx23-archive-key or suilar, and
moreover the URL could be wrong too or both), but well, as I
was saying : Is it still a way to install a single package
from a given repo (the original WILDFLOWER 21 Repo) in the
new system, and then repeat the upgrade procedure ?

Some core package, resulting NOT SIGNED, refuse to be
upgraded, so such keys are necessary.

I hope I was able to explain sufficiently sth I don't
understand myself.

Tnx for any advice for this mess (the system runs, and
reports itself as the OLD one, even if it upgraded many
hundreds of packages)

1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
2) Se tutti pagano le
J.O. Aho
2024-03-10 13:20:00 UTC
I then, late alas, to do step 2) afterwards, but then the package
mx23-archive-keyring  was no longer available.
Maybe it belonged to the ORIGINAL MX21 Repo, that had been overwritten
by hand.
Think step 1 already did some changes, but step 3 will take care of all
3rd party repositories.
Is it still a way (I tried using WGET, failing, as unable to locate the
correct package name, which apparently is neither mx23-archive-keyring
nor mx23-archive-key or suilar, and moreover the URL could be wrong too
or both), but well, as I was saying : Is it still a way to install a
single package from a given repo (the original WILDFLOWER 21 Repo) in
the new system, and then repeat the upgrade procedure ?

sudo apt install -f ./mx23-archive-keyring_2023.6.6_all.deb

and then continue from step 5 if you are sure you have done the changes
needed for the repo files, cross your fingers and hope it will work.
2024-03-10 23:18:16 UTC
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by MarioCCCP
I then, late alas, to do step 2) afterwards, but then the
package mx23-archive-keyring  was no longer available.
Maybe it belonged to the ORIGINAL MX21 Repo, that had been
overwritten by hand.
Think step 1 already did some changes, but step 3 will take
care of all 3rd party repositories.
Post by MarioCCCP
Is it still a way (I tried using WGET, failing, as unable
to locate the correct package name, which apparently is
neither mx23-archive-keyring nor mx23-archive-key or
suilar, and moreover the URL could be wrong too or both),
but well, as I was saying : Is it still a way to install a
single package from a given repo (the original WILDFLOWER
21 Repo) in the new system, and then repeat the upgrade
procedure ?
God bless you too :D
Post by J.O. Aho
wget https://mxrepo.com/mx/repo/pool/main/m/mx23-archive-keyring/mx23-archive-keyring_2023.6.6_all.deb
where exactly WGET puts the downloaded file ? Is it there
some standard default location ? Or it saves it in the
current directory ? If so, should I position the terminal on
root folder or, ig, some APT related folder ?
Post by J.O. Aho
sudo apt install -f ./mx23-archive-keyring_2023.6.6_all.deb
I assume I should be positioned in the folder above, or am I
wrong ?
Post by J.O. Aho
and then continue from step 5 if you are sure you have done
the changes needed for the repo files, cross your fingers
and hope it will work.
yes I'll repeat the "full upgrade", hoping also the package
suspended as not signed, would eventually result signed and


1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
2) Se tutti pagano le
J.O. Aho
2024-03-11 07:03:29 UTC
Post by J.O. Aho
where exactly WGET puts the downloaded file ? Is it there some standard
default location ? Or it saves it in the current directory ? If so,
should I position the terminal on root folder or, ig, some APT related
folder ?
If you don't specify any output location, then it will do that in the
directory where you are at the moment, the same way as touch will create
a file in the directory if you just provide a filename (please don't
just add a path after the current wget example, as you need to use the
-O option, more information: man wget ).
Post by J.O. Aho
sudo apt install -f ./mx23-archive-keyring_2023.6.6_all.deb
I assume I should be positioned in the folder above, or am I wrong ?
No, in current folder, see the difference

./ = current folder
../ = folder one step closer to root (not root user home directory, but
the root directory which is /).
2024-03-11 19:08:57 UTC
Post by J.O. Aho
Post by MarioCCCP
Post by J.O. Aho
where exactly WGET puts the downloaded file ? Is it there
some standard default location ? Or it saves it in the
current directory ? If so, should I position the terminal
on root folder or, ig, some APT related folder ?
If you don't specify any output location, then it will do
that in the directory where you are at the moment, the same
way as touch will create a file in the directory if you just
provide a filename (please don't just add a path after the
current wget example, as you need to use the -O option, more
information: man wget ).
Post by MarioCCCP
Post by J.O. Aho
sudo apt install -f ./mx23-archive-keyring_2023.6.6_all.deb
I assume I should be positioned in the folder above, or am
I wrong ?
No, in current folder, see the difference
sorry for my bad english : with "above" I didn't mean a
level up, but in the aforesaid example (so the current folder)
Post by J.O. Aho
./ = current folder
../ = folder one step closer to root (not root user home
directory, but the root directory which is /).
Ok tnx !
1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
2) Se tutti pagano le tasse, le tasse le pagano tutti
2024-03-10 13:21:46 UTC
Sillily (LOL) I tried a Dist Upgrade (Linux MX dist upgrade from
Wildflower to Libretto) without following exactly the procedure in the
MX 23 Forum
I resume the steps below
sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt install mx23-archive-keyring
3) Change sources to point to bookworm release (search all .list
find /etc/apt -name "*.list" -exec sudo sed -i 's/bullseye/bookworm/g'
{} +
grep -qF 'non-free-firmware'
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list || sudo sed -i 's/non-free/non-free
5) Upgrade packages (make sure nothing important is removed at this
sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade
Now, acting sillily basing on what I recalled, I performed all stages
The upgrade resulted in PARTIAL success (and failure overall). I dunno
exactly what was upgraded and what not.
I then, late alas, to do step 2) afterwards, but then the package
mx23-archive-keyring was no longer available.
Maybe it belonged to the ORIGINAL MX21 Repo, that had been overwritten
by hand.
Am I right ?
Is it still a way (I tried using WGET, failing, as unable to locate the
correct package name, which apparently is neither mx23-archive-keyring
nor mx23-archive-key or suilar, and moreover the URL could be wrong too
or both), but well, as I was saying : Is it still a way to install a
single package from a given repo (the original WILDFLOWER 21 Repo) in
the new system, and then repeat the upgrade procedure ?
Some core package, resulting NOT SIGNED, refuse to be upgraded, so such
keys are necessary.
I hope I was able to explain sufficiently sth I don't understand myself.
Tnx for any advice for this mess (the system runs, and reports itself as
the OLD one, even if it upgraded many hundreds of packages)
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Hopefully you made a complete backup
BEFORE your tried the upgrade. In your present situation you should do a
full restore.
Pull my finger
2024-03-10 23:23:34 UTC
Post by MarioCCCP
Sillily (LOL) I tried a Dist Upgrade (Linux MX dist upgrade from
Wildflower to Libretto) without following exactly the procedure in the
MX 23 Forum
I resume the steps below
sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt install mx23-archive-keyring
3) Change sources to point to bookworm release (search all .list
find /etc/apt -name "*.list" -exec sudo sed -i 's/bullseye/bookworm/g'
{} +
grep -qF 'non-free-firmware'
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list || sudo sed -i 's/non-free/non-free
5) Upgrade packages (make sure nothing important is removed at this
sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade
Now, acting sillily basing on what I recalled, I performed all stages
The upgrade resulted in PARTIAL success (and failure overall). I dunno
exactly what was upgraded and what not.
I then, late alas, to do step 2) afterwards, but then the package
mx23-archive-keyring was no longer available.
Maybe it belonged to the ORIGINAL MX21 Repo, that had been overwritten
by hand.
Am I right ?
Is it still a way (I tried using WGET, failing, as unable to locate the
correct package name, which apparently is neither mx23-archive-keyring
nor mx23-archive-key or suilar, and moreover the URL could be wrong too
or both), but well, as I was saying : Is it still a way to install a
single package from a given repo (the original WILDFLOWER 21 Repo) in
the new system, and then repeat the upgrade procedure ?
Some core package, resulting NOT SIGNED, refuse to be upgraded, so such
keys are necessary.
I hope I was able to explain sufficiently sth I don't understand myself.
Tnx for any advice for this mess (the system runs, and reports itself as
the OLD one, even if it upgraded many hundreds of packages)
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Hopefully you made a complete backup
BEFORE your tried the upgrade. In your present situation you should do a
full restore.
mmm, not really care, the system has almost no valuable data
on it, and moreover, it apparently works fine (simply, some
core components failed to be updated, likely the kernel
itself, since it still reports 6.1 when the candidate should
have been 6.5 or so).

Strange but such half-upgraded system seems to still be able
to run. Maybe all of the upgrades on dependent package, can
rely on 6.1 kernel. I mean : I had an older distro, but I
just upgraded the kernel manually (Wildflower usually runs
kernel 5.XXX, not 6.XXX).

I'll try the solutions proposed by Mr Jo-Aho and Hodgins
before giving up this upgrade. It's a laptop I am not even
using, I just wanted to refresh it a bit for possible later
use. I have an incredible tendency to mess up :D :D :D

1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
2) Se tutti pagano le tasse, le tasse le p
David W. Hodgins
2024-03-10 12:46:34 UTC
Post by MarioCCCP
Sillily (LOL) I tried a Dist Upgrade (Linux MX dist upgrade
from Wildflower to Libretto) without following exactly the
procedure in the MX 23 Forum
I resume the steps below
sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt install mx23-archive-keyring
3) Change sources to point to bookworm release (search
find /etc/apt -name "*.list" -exec sudo sed -i
's/bullseye/bookworm/g' {} +
edit the debian.list and add “non-free-firmware” to each deb
grep -qF 'non-free-firmware'
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list || sudo sed -i
's/non-free/non-free non-free-firmware/g'
5) Upgrade packages (make sure nothing important is
sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade
Now, acting sillily basing on what I recalled, I performed
The upgrade resulted in PARTIAL success (and failure
overall). I dunno exactly what was upgraded and what not.
I then, late alas, to do step 2) afterwards, but then the
package mx23-archive-keyring was no longer available.
Maybe it belonged to the ORIGINAL MX21 Repo, that had been
overwritten by hand.
Am I right ?
Is it still a way (I tried using WGET, failing, as unable to
locate the correct package name, which apparently is neither
mx23-archive-keyring nor mx23-archive-key or suilar, and
moreover the URL could be wrong too or both), but well, as I
was saying : Is it still a way to install a single package
from a given repo (the original WILDFLOWER 21 Repo) in the
new system, and then repeat the upgrade procedure ?
Some core package, resulting NOT SIGNED, refuse to be
upgraded, so such keys are necessary.
I hope I was able to explain sufficiently sth I don't
understand myself.
Tnx for any advice for this mess (the system runs, and
reports itself as the OLD one, even if it upgraded many
hundreds of packages)

I've never used ubuntu, so don't know how to actually install the package.

Regards, Dave Hodgins
2024-03-10 23:14:23 UTC
On Sun, 10 Mar 2024 07:58:57 -0400, MarioCCCP
Sillily (LOL) I tried a Dist Upgrade  (Linux MX dist upgrade
from Wildflower to Libretto)  without following exactly the
procedure in the MX 23 Forum
I resume the steps below
sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade
sudo apt install mx23-archive-keyring
3)    Change sources to point to bookworm release (search
find /etc/apt -name "*.list" -exec sudo sed -i
's/bullseye/bookworm/g' {} +
edit the debian.list and add “non-free-firmware” to each deb
grep -qF 'non-free-firmware'
/etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list || sudo sed -i
's/non-free/non-free non-free-firmware/g'
5)    Upgrade packages (make sure nothing important is
removed at this step: examine the prompt before you press
sudo apt update; sudo apt full-upgrade
Now, acting sillily basing on what I recalled, I performed
The upgrade resulted in PARTIAL success (and failure
overall). I dunno exactly what was upgraded and what not.
I then, late alas, to do step 2) afterwards, but then the
package  mx23-archive-keyring  was no longer available.
Maybe it belonged to the ORIGINAL MX21 Repo, that had been
overwritten by hand.
Am I right ?
Is it still a way (I tried using WGET, failing, as unable to
locate the correct package name, which apparently is neither
mx23-archive-keyring nor mx23-archive-key or suilar, and
moreover the URL could be wrong too or both), but well, as I
was saying : Is it still a way to install a single package
from a given repo (the original WILDFLOWER 21 Repo) in the
new system, and then repeat the upgrade procedure ?
Some core package, resulting NOT SIGNED, refuse to be
upgraded, so such keys are necessary.
I hope I was able to explain sufficiently sth I don't
understand myself.
Tnx for any advice for this mess (the system runs, and
reports itself as the OLD one, even if it upgraded many
hundreds of packages)
oh God bless you ! I'll try it on wednsday ... finger crossed
I've never used ubuntu, so don't know how to actually
install the package.
Regards, Dave Hodgins
1) Resistere, resistere, resistere.
2) Se tutti pagano